Missile Defense: Schumer’s push for program in New York is off-target

Beyond a New York or east coast issue, the ballistic missile defense system appears alive and well…if we allow it.

The Buffalo News — May 23, 2013.  By William D. Hartung, Director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy.

If the Pentagon goes ahead with an East Coast missile defense system, Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., wants it to be based in New York State. In a recent letter to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Schumer cited the “thousands of jobs” the project would allegedly create, helping upstate communities “take off.”

Schumer’s plea is off the mark. The Pentagon budget shouldn’t be a jobs program. And at a time of tightening budgets, we can’t afford to waste money on unnecessary, unworkable and unaffordable projects like the East Coast missile defense scheme.

Read on here:  Another Voice: Schumer’s push for program in New York is off-target – Opinion – The Buffalo News.


About VFP Linus Pauling Chapter

Veterans For Peace (VFP) is dedicated to eliminating war as an implement of foreign policy and to that end, works to educate the public about the true costs of war. Veterans For Peace (VFP) Linus Pauling Chapter 132 is a chapter of Veterans For Peace, St. Louis, MO, which has been waging peace since 1985 and is an NGO recognized by the United Nations. The local chapter and the national organization are both 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Veterans For Peace is made up of veteran and associate members. More information about the national organization, including our Statement of Purpose and contact information for a VFP chapter near you, may be found at: www.veteransforpeace.org.
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